Hands on with Rammed Earth Construction
We would like to invite you to attend the national training workshop "Hands on with Rammed Earth". In May 2024. Urbunhut Vernaculars organizes an exclusive workshop of fifteen intense days as an advanced design/build exercise with a focus on the rammed earth technique.
During this practical training session, we will introduce the Rammed Earth building technique and construct a complete Rammed earth structure.
Natural Building Workshop
In this workshop you can learn & understand the significance of Natural Buildings through sensing various materials used, how they are prepared, hands-on experience on indigenous techniques, observe experimentations and completed projects and know about pioneer natural builders from around the globe.
Volunteering Opportunity
An ecovillage as a: "human-scale full-featured settlement in which human activities are harmlessly integrated into the natural world in a way that is supportive of healthy human development, and can be successfully continued into the indefinite future.
Participants will be joining us for the development of an eco-village in India, starting from planning, estimation and construction phases. Duration of this workshop could be 1 month to 1 year on volunteering basis.